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Tikvah 2007-2008 | Back to Gallery

October 16, 2008
Daniel Pipes, The Threat to Israel’s Existence - Why It’s Back, How to Deal with it

Tikvah hosted Dr. Pipes in Boalt Law School with about 200 students, faculty and community members in attendance. Dr. Pipes spoke about the need for Israel to take on a strategy of Victory in its Arab-Israeli conflict.

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Daniel Pipes
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December 2, 2008
Jeff Jacoby, Why the Media Gets the Middle East Wrong

Co-sponsored with CAMERA, Tikvah hosted Mr. Jacoby for a lecture and discussion attended by about 80 students. Mr. Jacooby is columnist for the Boston Globe. His talk focused on the one sided, biased reporting the world media shows when it coees to reporting about Israel.

January 20, 2009

Placed two ads in - The Daily Cal – on Inauguration Day for President Obama.. The Daily Cal is the student run newspaper having a daily circulation exceeding 30,000. Dr. King’s endorsement of the Jewish State is important for the students at Berkeley to hear since they place such a high priority on diversity. Mr. Obama was quoted regarding his statemtns about Israel’s legitimate rights to protect its citizens against missles from Gaza.


January 21, 2009

Organized a counter statement to the Demonstration of the Muslims Students Association MSA and Arab Students Association ASA drawing attention to the Israeli incursion into Gaza - Operation Cast Lead. The MSA and ASA staged approximately 100 coffins draped in PNA Flags. The Arab students held flags, banners and distributed leaflets accusing Israel of launching a “genocide” and “massacre”. Tikvah students held banners of their own and remained silent despite aggressive verbal and physical threats. /Tikvah’s main message was that Hamas is terrorist organization and perpetrated war crimes against its own people.


January 22, 2009

Hosted a Demonstration on Sproul Plaza in support of Israel’s right to defend itself during Operation Cast Lead. About 90 students participated in a demonstration holding signs and passing out literature supporting Israel’s battle against terrorism.


February 2, 2009

David Olesker lectured on How to Promote Israel on the Campus. Tikvah hosted David Olesker at Hillel in the afternoon and then at their General Meeting on campus. The subject was training on how to promote Israel on the campus.